Equipment for Piping Disinfection

Manusystems has developed an automatic system for disinfection of drinking water piping!

Using this system, you can dose chlorine or hydrogen peroxide, in a precise and automatic way, proportionally to the water flow.

The system is composed of a water meter and a dosing pump properly arranged within a box, assuring a safe transport and handling.

It is an automatic, intuitive and easy to use system, even to personnel with no experience.

The automatic dosing system is available for sale and rental. In case of rental, Manusystems will suit the system to your work conditions.


Download the leaflet about the Equipment for Piping Disinfection!

Carela® BIO greenPOWER

OX-Água® 2ª Geração

Carela® HYDRO greenPOWER

Manusystems – Manutenção de Sistemas, Lda.
Phone number: + 351 262 836 480
Fax: + 351 262 836 481
VAT: PT 507 791 061

Zona Industrial de Caldas da Rainha
Rua Pedro Nunes, n.º 38, Armazéns R e S
2500-303 Caldas da Rainha

Phone number: + 351 262 836 480
Fax: + 351 262 836 481

Rua da Junqueira, n.º 23
4480-156 Azurara

Phone number: +351 252 143 763

Rua 26 de agosto, n.º 7A
2500-882 Caldas da Rainha