
I-205 is an antiseptic hydroalcoholic product for healthy skin of professional use.

I-205, produced by the spanish company Tesis Galicia SL, is a biocida containing ethanol as active substance.

I-205 does not contain perfumes or dyes, so it is especially suitable for disinfecting hands in a hospital environment.

I-205 is an effective biocide, it has been tested in independent laboratories and its compliance with NP EN 1276: 2019, NP EN 1650: 2019, NP EN 14476: 2013 + A2: 2019 and NP EN 12791: 2016 + A1: 2017 has been demonstrated. In order to comply with Regulation (EU) No. 528/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 22 May 2012, concerning the making available on the market and the use of biocidal products, I-205 is registered in DGS as biocide TP1 (Human Hygiene), which allows its professional use in Portugal.

I-205 Liquid datasheet

Carela® HYDRO greenPOWER

Equipment for Piping Disinfection

Equipment for Water Flushing

Manusystems – Manutenção de Sistemas, Lda.
Phone number: + 351 262 836 480
Fax: + 351 262 836 481
VAT: PT 507 791 061

    PME excelencia

Zona Industrial de Caldas da Rainha
Rua Pedro Nunes, n.º 38, Armazéns R e S
2500-303 Caldas da Rainha

Phone number: + 351 262 836 480
Fax: + 351 262 836 481

Rua da Junqueira, n.º 23
4480-156 Azurara

Phone number: +351 252 143 763

Rua 26 de agosto, n.º 7A
2500-882 Caldas da Rainha