Disinfection of Drinking Water Reservoir

Before using a new drinking water reservoir or one which has been subject of an intervention/repair, it is essential that disinfection is carried out as recommended by ERSAR (ERSAR Recommendation No. 01/2018). This obligation is also expressed in Article 112 of Regulatory Decree No. 23/95 of August 23rd for drinking water systems in buildings.Manusystems performs the disinfection of drinking water reservoir using the product OX-Água 2ªGeração, which is registered in the European system R4BP3 as biocide type 2, 4 and 5. In Portugal this product was evaluated by the Laboratório Central da EPAL, being included in its list of approved products for the disinfection of reservoir.

Execution Mode

Manusystems has developed a technical specification for disinfection of new or rehabilitated water reservoir (ET-DRN). It will be made available to all interested parties.

The disinfection method for new or rehabilitated reservoir, in order to maintain its good hygienic condition, is as follows:

  1. Washing with low pressure water (pressure less than 5 bar) all internal surfaces of the reservoir;
  2. Spraying the disinfectant product OX-Água 2ªGeração;
  3. Control of the contact time of the disinfectant product.
  4. Final washing with low pressure water with control of the removal of the product used.
  5. Control of the effectiveness of disinfection by ATP testing on reservoir internal surfaces.
  6. If the results are satisfactory the work is done. Otherwise, steps 2 to 5 should be repeated until compliance is reached.

In addition to disinfection of reservoir, Manusystems offers other complementary services.

Equipment for Piping Disinfection

Manusystems – Manutenção de Sistemas, Lda.
Phone number: + 351 262 836 480
Fax: + 351 262 836 481
VAT: PT 507 791 061

    PME excelencia

Zona Industrial de Caldas da Rainha
Rua Pedro Nunes, n.º 38, Armazéns R e S
2500-303 Caldas da Rainha

Phone number: + 351 262 836 480
Fax: + 351 262 836 481

Rua da Junqueira, n.º 23
4480-156 Azurara

Phone number: +351 252 143 763

Rua 26 de agosto, n.º 7A
2500-882 Caldas da Rainha