Page Templates

The theme allows you to have complete control over each of your pages. Need to create a legal page with no sidebar? Check. Have to build a landing page without a menu or footer. Done. You can change the layout of each page regardles of the rest of your site.

Per Page Layouts

You can have up to five different sidebar setups for each page: no sidebar, left sidebar, right sidebar, two sidebars to the left, two to the right, and two sidebars on opposite sides of your content.

Useful Page Templates

You can have access to a variety of page templates to create even more kickass content: add a sitemap, create a submenu navigation of all child pages, or add a dedicated blog page within your site.

Customizable Header & Footer

In addition to changing the layout of a page, you can also control the appearance of the header, page title, and the footer. Choose between displaying the normal layout, a minimal version with less distractions, or to omit it completely.


Manusystems – Manutenção de Sistemas, Lda.
NIPC: PT 507 791 061

Zona Industrial de Caldas da Rainha
Rua Pedro Nunes, n.º 38, Armazéns R e S
2500-303 Caldas da Rainha

Telefone: + 351 262 836 480 (chamada fixa nacional)
Fax: + 351 262 836 481

Rua da Junqueira, n.º 23
4480-156 Azurara

Telefone: +351 252 143 763 (chamada fixa nacional)

Rua 26 de agosto, n.º 7A
2500-882 Caldas da Rainha