This Product is proper for cleaning of stainless-steel surfaces in contact to drinking water and it is extremely effective for the removal of biofilms composed of iron and manganese.
Carela® HYDRO greenPOWER is a product composed of two components: Carela® HYDRO (mixture of inorganic acids) and Carela® greenPOWER (hydrogen peroxide).
Carela® greenPOWER is according to EN 902.
O produto Carela® HYDRO greenPOWER is approved, according to the essay report emitted by TZW:DVGW – Technologiezentrum Wasser – DVGW laboratory responsible by the approval of cleaning products for surfaces in contact to drinking water. This approval is from 14/12/2017 and is valid by 5 years.
O produto Carela® HYDRO greenPOWER is according to the regulation W319 “cleaning agent for drinking water tanks” by DVGW.
Carela® HYDRO greenPOWER datasheet